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A stem is what inflectional morphological processes are applied to to form a valid wordform. Inflectional morphology may not be needed for a valid form. Stems can be morphologically complex, being formed by processes like derivation or composition (not yet modeled).

StemTable: stems.csv

Name/Property Datatype Cardinality Description
ID string

A unique identifier for a row in a table.

To allow usage of identifiers as path components of URLs IDs must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscore and hyphen.

Primary key
Language_ID string A reference to a language (or variety) the stem belongs to
Name string

A title, name or label for an entity.

Lexeme_ID string The lexeme this stem belongs to.
References lexemes.csv.
Parameter_ID list of string (separated by ;) A reference to the meaning denoted by the stem.
Morpho_Segments list of string (separated by ) A representation of the morphologically segmented stem.
Segments list of string (separated by )

A list of segments (aka a sound sequence) is understood as the strict segmental representation of a form unit of a language, which is usually given in phonetic transcription. Suprasegmental elements, like tone or accent, of sound sequences are usually represented in a sequential form, although they are usually co-articulated along with the segmental elements of a sound sequence. Alternatively, suprasegmental aspects could also be represented as part of the prosodic structure of a word form.

Comment string

A human-readable comment on a resource, providing additional context.

Source list of string (separated by ;)

List of source specifications, of the form <source_ID>[], e.g.[34], or meier2015[3-12] where meier2015 is a citation key in the accompanying BibTeX file.

Part_Of_Speech string

The part-of-speech of dictionary entry.

References partsofspeech.csv.